ohh. that rhymes!
been reading various blogs and in particular I found Cathriona's blog very helpful. It gives you a detailed experience she had on her journey to Kings' Canyon, The Olgas, and Uluru.
i also been looking at the unique website from Mulgas and it also suggests what to bring.
every travel I always list down what to bring with me. I'm really forgetful and tend to be on the extremes of being disorganised or obsessive compulsive. I prefer the latter. :)
So here's the list that shall keep me well-organised.
1. sun cream - i know i really need this although i have lots of melanin. but look at me now after my Kakadu trip, i'm dark and might be mistaken for an aborigine.
2. hat - frustrated by the other tour cos I don't have my crocodile dundee hat. i shall buy one this arvo.
3. torch - i need to buy one as well. apparently the one i had is weak and can only act as christmas light.
4. lots and lots of wet ones - Cathriona replied back on tons of my questions regarding the trip and I quote - "Bring some hygiene wipes or baby wipes cause you won't get a shower and its not nice to wash in cold water. YOu will be dirty after the first day. As for doing a no two, the guide does stop at some public toilets during the day but if you really need to go at night when you are camped up you just take your shovel and dig a hole!!". Nuff said.
5. sturdy shoes - my fave shoes got badly stained with orange soil from Kakadu. Now imagine what it would do when I climb Ayer's Rock. It would now be reddish orange. so I'll bring my oldie yet goodie two shoes.
6. other toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, contact lens solution, face moisturiser, chaptsick, lotion, insect repellant, sting ointment. - omg i remember the previous experience. got bitten by dozen of mossies or what i think it is. and got my skin irritated with giant bumps all over my flawless legs. haha. i need these things. plus the moisturiser is a must. cos the last time the texture of my face is like my feet.
7. sunnies - its a must! bright bright sun and during hiking. i'll bring my other oakies.
8. camera with empty memory - although i think i wont consume all 2gig space. just to be sure :)
9. towel and swimmies - last time i dont have this. can u imagine. i was using my dirty clothes to dry me up. i hope the waterhole is not too deep and i can swim. i have phobia for deep and green waters *cf*
10. clothes - shirt, thermal and jumper - temp goes down to 5c at night, walking shorts, underpants, face towels and one pair of pants. from cathriona's email - "Don't bring anything white or light coloured. That red soil does not wash out of anything."
11. big bottle of water - of course. we'll do hiking. and im expecting for the worst. so i'll get the biggest i can carry.
12. warm fleece - need this as we would be sleeping in swags to add additional warmth.
13. Of course bring cash - i reckon $150 should suffice.
14. mobile phone.
15. pocket book to read on the plane.
16. gum *for my ultimate ear trouble during the flight*.
17. ipod - sometimes the music during the travel is annoying or when i need to sleep in the dorm and the roomies are noisy.
18. chargers.
i guess that's all... pls comment if you think there's anything i have forgotten. i would enormously appreciate it.