Whilst on the car I was playing my coldplay songs to calm me down. And the music was shitty anyway. It takes about half an hour drive to Mercer where the skydive spot is.
Once i put my jumpsuits on and boarded the mini jet - there's no going back!! Mixed emotions but leaning towards excitement!! Still feeling normal until the windows were opened and i can feel the strong wind. Roy (my tandem partner) asked me to put my feet on the air. And it was so quick that its the cue to begin the fall. Everything was so quick that I left the all fears in the jet. The free fall was less than a minute. But i was loving every second of the decent. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!
I got off first. everything was so fast and i realised that the free fall is the best part. The view was nice and you can even feel the clouds as gravity pulls you down. Then when the parachute was opened - everything slowed down. My ear started popping. But good enough I have enough saliva to swallow to clear my nasal and ear passage! All of it were mostly used during the screaming part. :)
I enjoyed the view for another 10 minutes. Got a bit dizzy cos the wind made our parachute spin a lot of times! Then Roy briefed me on how to do a landing. Lifting my feet up as we descend and step on my left foot when the field is reachable. Perfect landing!
It was awesome. Both Michelle (the one who jumped after me) and I were both happy and uplifted with this adrenalin rush experience.
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I got my DVD and will watch it tonight with my friends..
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