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The second day was for Litchfield Park. Wasn't actually able to hold the python since I put a sunscreen on my hands. The tour guide said that it would make the snake sick and eventually die. Got a bit frustrated though - but on the next day on our Kakadu tour I was able to. I realised on the programme guide that we're actually going back to the Jumping Crocs @ Adelaide River. Feeling the snake move and the texture of its skin was a bit scary. Especially when you can feel its tongue on your skin. *goose bumps* Cos any time the snake could go around my neck and kill me. Fortunately it was a friendly python. Jumping Crocs was the highlight of the Litchfield event. We were able to see 3-4 metre crocodiles. And they were so hungry that they jumped high to get their food. Other places we saw in Litchfield are the Termite and Magnetic Mounds and various falls and streams including Wangi and Florence Falls. It was an exhausting day but an informative tour as well.
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Final few days is the main event, 2-day Kakadu Tour. We started off with a repeat of Jumping Crocs. This time I was able to hold the snake. Jumping Crocs was amazing cos we were able to enjoy the whole cruise in Adelaide River. This time there were heaps of crocs running its way to be fed. Then we went Ubirr located on the East Alligator region of Kakadu. The view was fantastic and we were able to see some aboriginal rock paintings, which was Ubirr is famous for. Camping on the wild is such an experience worth remembering. As the night arrives we gathered fire woods and headed to our camp site. It was in the middle of nowhere. Its scary I tell you. You don't know what to expect, I can hear the splash of the water, which has constantly reminded me that crocodiles might be surrounding us. Snakes are within the region as well. knowing that Kakadu has the deadliest snake - I wasnt able to sleep continuously. The next day was a physical event. Another spirit walk I tell you. 6k's in total just to reach a beautiful water hole but I wasn't able to swim. I wanted to but it looks like its a bit dangerous. Its deep and green - for sure there's something down there. Not frustrated at all, the next stop was rock climbing towards the most beautiful place I've seen in Kakadu. I don't know the name of the place but the pictures on my album can describe that it is indeed enchanting.
Thanks to Kakadu Dreams for this lovely adventure. Its worth all the money spent on this vacation. And I want to thank Brad for being a very patient and amazing tour guide for us all.
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