Digressing again. The main achievement today was to suspend my BlackBerry's plan (BB1) for two months while I am away. This is on the premise that I'll be getting my visa and will be back in August 2009. And in a month's time I will have a job? But its a bit early to stress about it yet.
Now I'm just waiting for my BalikbayanBox (BB2) to get picked up. Nothing special with the contents. Some used clothes, worn out shoes and some trashy magazines. Will just tell my family that we'll shop at Duty Free. Or I can buy some goodies here as well. If I still have time tomorrow.
As a reward for my NZ SkyDive, I bought myself a watch. It's Burberry (BB3) and it was a bit cheaper in DFS. It's my treat for myself for being good boy and surviving by myself for 2 years, 7 months and 8 days in Australia.