It worries me a lot when accounting for all my expenditures today. Not that it matters much but when you pile up all the junkies I've been buying, it will give you a snooze that you have to straighten up your life and stop spending too much. As my mother would always put it, don't spend more than what you earn! And now I realise that I'm beginning to crumble because of too much indebtedness on my precious plastic card. By tomorrow I will budget the things I NEED to spent on. I know that this Sydney mission is not only to enjoy life but to there is something that I need to gain here. I began searching for reasons why I stayed in Sydney and why I have resigned from my previous work. And I realise my purpose is to know how to live independently, gain more exposure to audit, and to save some money for the rainy days. I know someone will be needing it in the future. I talked to my mom the other day and she mentioned about my relatives' problem regarding financial capability to send their daughter to college. And just like a light-bulb-flashing-experience, I realise that I would help her. As I chatted with my friends yesterday regarding one's purpose in life, we realised that as professionals we somehow do not seem to have a drive on where we are going to. Other overseas workers are struggling to send off their kids to school and have dreams to be prosperous. And how about me? Am I here just to spend my earnings on total life satisfaction at present? Now, it gives me a sudden urge to help my cousin in her studies. It give me a realisation that being here has an entirely different purpose, which is to help my cousin and live a legacy. My resolution... as I conclude is to know where my money goes to. I need to budget. And be able to know that I'm doing the right choice.
I have to abolish this kind of thinking:
Gusseted pillow - $9.95

Bali table runners - $19.95

Silver Vertigo light lamp - $79.95

Reisen laundry hamper - $69.95

Grand theft auto PC game - $39.95

Silver psycho mirror - $189.00
...but the joy on Rondzter's face - priceless