Just when I thought my Easter holiday is doomed cos I was not able to go to Blue Mountains, a blast of events protrude. First, was a wonderfully celebrated mass. The gospel was good, which focused on a story that I will not much dwell on. Nevertheless, its an eye-opener that we will always strengthen our beliefs and relinquish any doubts that we may have. Let us remember that the Almighty one has always been there to open our eyes to seek our own salvation.
After the mass, we headed towards our friend's place and had a scrumptious meal. Credits for the fantastic food even though its a last minute preparation. Party at Ghie's place will never be the same without karaoke. I sang and I sang and I think I'm improving. I got 60-65% but still not enough to become a normal singing person. I still have to practise and make my voice a bit lively.
The Easter Fiasco wouldn't be complete without much awaited Easter egg hunting. The mechanics of the game is simple. Each contestant should donate $2 each. Since we're five, total pot money is $10. Each one will have one hard boiled egg with the person's name on it. Each will have a minute to hid the egg until everyone has placed their eggs on the desired hide-out. Who ever gets the most number of eggs will win half of the pot money and half will go to the person whose egg was not found. I won! I found 2 out of 5 eggs. And of course, my egg has not been found. Yahoo for me! And also, Thanks to Ruby for the big Darrel Lea' Easter egg chocolate!

Then we ordered, pizza... Had some booze as we played cards like we never played before. At first, there were penalties/consequences and I for one became crazy by playing like a poo who wanted to get out of an ass. And also sang 'I will survive' with the help of Ruby for the dance moves. I got 65%! yey! Then the penalty was to draw weird stuff on our faces using Renee's free eye-liner. I ended up being a mad-silly-looking-clown! But wadaheck! It looks good!

As the day was a bit long and there's no office yesterday, Easter Monday, we slept at their place and had a really good Easter Fiasco! Thanks to Ruby, Ghie, and Dith for making our Easter the best!! Even though we were not able to go to the Easter Show!