I really don't get it but there is a fascinating thing about tabo and being pinoy. Something like you-know-you're-a-pinoy-if's. anyway, it's good to have one and while I was using it, I suddenly focused my attention to the beary creature with all those heart-shape figures and butterflies colored in a feminine way, saying "create a comfortable life space". What does that mean? It's so profound. and I began thinking about what it really means. Maybe it's talking about tension that we feel that sometimes we make small things complex. Or maybe it has something to do with beautifying your life and enjoying more. And another theory is for a stressed person not to think much about hardships and just create something that will make you feel a better person. Finally, after all this thoughts were racing through my head. I began to focus on one thought, which is to feel unstressed. do not feel stressed out when you have a problem. try to breathe. Create the so-called "life space". Whatever the form may be, just focus on the things that will make you happy and comfortable. It will in fact, make you happy and feel light. so the next question now is: why one earth was this message placed on a tabo? Simply because when we do our daily routines *
you know what i mean* and we sit down in the toilet. It makes us think about our problems. Sometimes we even think of how miserable our life really is. But as you use the tabo to wash away all the crappy thoughts, you'll be constantly reminded to take it easy and be happy. Nice two cents worth to end the day. But here's the real question I want to impart on you, readers...
What is the english of tabo? hikhikhik