Hang on?! I've used up my life savings during the past months of recession not to mention travels. How can this be possible?
Times like this, study shows that "window shopping online" can be an alternative to the actual retail therapy. Instead of buying, you are drawn to put up a wishlist. The same feel-good satisfaction you get when you walk around shops.
So far my wishlist are the following:
1. Stewie's Head

Will probably get this before the fiscal year ends? I still have lots of TV Shows to watch. And I reckon stocktake clearance sale would justify buying this!
2. The Book Thief

At the rate I'm going with my book readings, seems like I would justify to buy this one during Winter. Although Summer would help a lot cos I would be bringing something to read in the beach. But still have loads of books to read... I reckon Winter '10.
3. Ponyo DVD

I will definitely buy this DVD on Thursday, late night shopping day. Remember I always have fifty bucks shopping accrual. What justifies it? Rotten Tomato's review!
4. Evening with David Sedaris: 16/01/10

I will book this show on Friday, even if I'm going alone! I don't care. I would have a good laugh. I can concentrate even more. Hold it... I know I would look like a big L. So I might give one free ticket to a friend or a date. Let's see.
5. Gucci, Navy Blue Thong

I've tried it on, and it was spectacular.. Hmm... Fabulous if you may. I deserve to buy this, maybe as a Birthday Gift! :P
6. Bally, Transporter Tan Messanger Bag

Yes, I know. I wouldnt be able to use this. I'm working on a much lower profile company. If I were still in Ernst & Young I would definitely consider it. But right now, no no no! But maybe Christmas time, this could be a perfect gift for myself. And at that time, I would be working in a much better corporate environment.
Stress. Anxiety. - all gone!