Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Jarocin House

I've been living in this shared house for exactly three months now. And its blog-worthy to discuss about how it all goes.

The Characters
Mr. Peru - Awesome guy! He's just in his early 20's but he is our big boss. Sort of like the big mafia man. He brings guests in for parties and he is indeed very responsible. He would arrange for house rules (which i would dwell on in a bit).

Ms. Australia - She's the significant other of Mr. Peru. They live-in together when I moved in. I was surprised that she moved out two weeks ago. I initially thought that they broke up but I saw her just two days ago visiting us. She told me she's living in Chippendale closer to work. I share the same sentiments with her that its best to live in a place convenient to work (walking distance to her office). She's nice, friendly and easy to make her laugh.

Ms. Pink (or Mister?) - She looks like Pink, because her hair's pink and cut shorter. I think she was the culprit on the vampire incident that shocked me the most when I moved in before (hint: check my October 2009 post regarding Vampire). She is currently traveling to Romania cos she just finished her uni. Hence, she no longer lives in the house. It is now occupied by Mr. Australia after Ms. Taiwan took over.

Ms. Sweden - The coolest house mate ever. Too bad she had to go to greener pasteur. Sweet lotsa stories to tell. Even lets me hangout with her Swedish friends and the ever coolest friend Jack (reminds me of Just Jack, really). She just celebrated her birthday, unfortunately it coincided with David Sedaris' evening book reading. But I should have gone to her party. I miss her most especially the time we made fun of Ms. Taiwan's weird weird ways.

Ms. Taiwan - The one who took over Ms. Sweden's room. She's weird. Like she's secludes herself in the confinement of her room. Day-in and day-out she's in her room, never even goes out of the house. She looks nice but if I have to judge- she looks like she's doing witchcraft or spells of some sorts. There was one incident where she has crossed the line of weirdness and total insanity. Imagine that she used up all of my toilet papers to put in between the spaces of the toilet door. Imagine that the door has this Venetian blinds design. Justification is that she couldn't sleep cos of the noise of faucet leaking and the flush at night. She told me she even put earplugs while sleeping. WTF?

Mr. Chile - The New Kid on the Block. He looked like a teenager but on his early 20's. He's fun. Lots of drinking and party nights initiated by him. Through him, I have been hanging out with his Chilean buds. It was cool. He's the next best thing after Ms. Sweden. Cos I see him a lot in the patio when I'm doing my laundry. He even taught me the washing machine laundry trick. But this guy is so afraid of spiders. Swears at mossies and cockroaches.

Mr. Aussie - This is the weird weird guy that replaced Ms. Taiwan's room. I reckon Ms. Taiwan has put a spell on whoever takes over her room. Indeed the bizarre spell has possessed this guy. First day I saw him, he was running up and down the stairs doing nothing. accomplishing nothing. he leaves all his footwear outside the house. WTF, the house is a total chaos and even his room is messy. What's with that? But I have to give the benefit of the doubt. I haven't really talked to the guy and his a week old living in the Jarocin house.

Ms. French - I am looking forward to meet her. I haven't have the slightest idea who she is yet. She'll be moving in on Sunday and I hope she's like Ms. Sweden or Mr. Chile.

Spider Toilet
There are two toilets in the house. One situated near the patio and one near Ms. Pink, Ms. Taiwan and Mr. Australia's room. The one near the patio is the spider toilet. Although its so cool, cos you'll see vandals from previous tenants. It still gives me the creeps whenever I take a leak. There are giant spiders inside that one point I think was the biggest challenge I ever did. My bladder was already exploding and Ms. Taiwan was still putting her toilet papers in the Venetian door of the other toilet. I took the plunge and prayed so hard that no spider will appear. I almost had a black out but good thing I survived that initiation.

The Mixed-up Washing Machine
This is the one that Mr. Chile gave me some advice for. This washing machine is just demented. It won't let me wash my clothes properly. There were couple of times that I have to squeeze my clothes after washing cos it doesn't know how to spin dry. And one instance I put my clothes and the powder in but not even the water is coming out. I did the normal hand wash like I have a choice. And it became the longest laundry day of my life. And here comes Mr. Chile saying that I need to shake the brain of the washing machine. I did. And it's now working. Shake shake and you have to constantly watch it like a kid playing in the field.

Mr. Peru's House Rules
Very simple, really. He scheduled each one of us to take the rubbish out. Clean the toilet. Buy toilet papers, rubbish bags, dishwashing liquid. No noise during Sunday morning-meaning curfew for Saturday night drinking at the patio.

My early bloopers
Imagine I was climbing the great wall of Jarocin House whenever someone locked the door from the inside. There was this one time my neighbour saw me and I have to explain it really hard that I live in the house and I'm not a robber. Only to know from Mr. Chile and Ms. Taiwan that the knob of the door can be turned from the outside.