Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Diagnosis: URTI

For the past few days i've been terribly sick
I was on the verge of total blackout on Monday morning
I insisted on going to the client but who am I kidding?
I ended up much worse - delirium...

Now that I'm half-way through recovery
I realised that I have to go back again to the client
I just wish what I've told Stephen to do make sense to him
Otherwise it all boils down to a Moo point!

Realised some key things during this ordeal.
Live a well balanced lifestyle. Work isn't everything.
Kick the vices off and start eating right
I hope Gym should be more appealing now.
Thanks Niko for being there during this dark ages.
You brought me some food when I can't go out.
Got me a company when I know I couldn't get out of my unit
cos I dont have keys. Thanks. I owe you big one!