i lost it and don't know what to do.
maybe it was stolen, i dropped it or had forgotten it in the office and someone took it.
got stressed this morning cos i cant find it.
i thought its gone. i thought i have to buy a new one.
everything's there .. including my atm, ccard, ffc, notes.
then i realised i was looking at it last night realising that my amex is not there
losing my amex but i realised it was on my other jeans' pocket
then i had an idea that if it was lost - it should then be at my house
still searching but i couldn't find it.
on the verge of giving up, i looked at the most obvious place i could have placed it.
it was there, on the right pocket of my coat last night
foolish and stupid me.
first thing i did - to put business card
in the future, if it was lost *knock on the wood* - at least there's a chance to contact me.

happy to see my BB again. :)