Saturday, May 5, 2007

spidey spidey

spideys new movie is generally entertaining but lacks the correct ingredients to make a plausible 360 rotation of characters' role. its a bit cheesy and dragging. though its really worth a watch as what the other spidey's earlier parts have been. this one is too much focused with reaching is an obvious fact that it tends to lean on the love story thingey and it failed to make a plausible connection on some predictable twist of events and character roles. good for the kids tough. fun action and the bad spidey really is cool!! in short, this aint the movie I was looking forward to. Though im happy that my friends like them so much. One quick way to turn the movie in to something crappy is the feeling that i rather sleep than to watch some nothing episodes. just my two cents on the movie and nothing biggie to those who loved 'em..