I have just read the blog of my friend entitled "The Drama of Being an Auditor." I kinda agree with what she's saying. As she was contemplating about how she dealt with the complexities of another industry, I was left thinking if I can also have a successful confident fieldwork amidst the intricate jargons of another specialisation.
Knowing that I have nothing to do for today, its a good start to understand more on the future clients I will be facing with. A good thing though is that one client I am doing focuses on cotton seeds farming. It would be very easy for me to understand the conversion process before it becomes an industrial product . The other one is a Financial Services client. I have to force myself to learn AASB 1023 and AIFRS 4, which I don't excactly have a knowledge of. As I was browsing these standards, its not that bad after all. But based on my years of doing the audit. Even if you know the accounting part, 90% of the skill needed to execute an audit still comes from experience with the industry.
Does this mean that I am going to face the same fate as my friend had just recently experienced? Would I be able to cope up knowing that I am from a totally different line of industry and the team is all from Financial Services division. As I have learned, I'll be working with a staff who doesn't seem to know anything but criticise her senior. It would be one hell of a time finishing the job.
But too much worries would just waste my office bum life. I guess it would be better off if Iet myself enjoy doing the best skill I have especially when I was still in SGV–to pretend that I am busy working when I am just killing my time 'til 1715H comes.