The day i was released from the hospital was the australia day celebration. I feel somehow guilty because my friends are so depending on me to get the plans sorted out and enjoy such a beautiful day with a smile. But bcoz of my condition [refer to the hand thing], i spoiled half of the lovely sunny day... But it aint over till its over. We ate some taste of yashinoya which i truly miss back home. Its a treat for me after getting sick of hospital food. After that we went to hyde park and saw a mob enjoying this beautiful festivity. Music. Food. Ole ole ole... People are chanting this and it really makes it even crazy coz people stick the aussie flag on their faces. We began to search for that tatoo to get the feel of this temporary madness. Had some fun looking at the museum where we can see where history began. Saw some places where convicts used to live. They have a lot of hammocks and there were even shadow cardboards of how the convicts used to act... We took a rest at the botanical garden and had so much fun feeling relaxed and not worrying at anything.
What a day... c',) Kick back and relax and see the pictures!