The other day, i saw heaps of spider on the wall. I used my deadly weapon anmd saw 3 of them dead. I still feel im not satisfied so i got my gigantic match [which i use for cooking] and lit them up until they burn to ashes. Thats how mad i am from those stupid insects for making me stay in the hospital for one night and spoiling my holiday plans.
but just as i woke up i saw the mozzie bites had swollen severely. I was really alarmed and too confused about what to do. Immediately i thought of the possibility of returning to the stupid hospital who doesnt know anything! But i breathe and decided to google this horrific mozzie bite. I found out that their bite could result to a swelling as big as 5 cents or 25 centavos in peso. Since it will be tremendously itchy, if you scratch it it will mutate to a 20 cents size swelling or five peso equivalent. I learned that you just have to place it on ice so that it will stop the itch. I did it. and the swelling began to reduce.
so when im in another mozzie attack ill know better how to fight. Talk about the art of mozzie war.