Tuesday, December 25, 2007
the ultimate
Friday, December 21, 2007
can i have more time please...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
first week back home
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
this is it...
Monday, December 3, 2007
got me by jeff de bruges
sleepless in sydney
Sunday, December 2, 2007
best things in life are free
im more afraid than excited as hours are counting down until I my flight. for unknown reasons, i feel the uneasiness. sort of some irrational mindset that made me think of what they would be expecting from me after one year overseas. i definitely am sure that there's no savings. i lived my life independently of which i am proud. but then again, there is a big cloud rolling on my life as i don't know what i wanted to do at this point. its such a pointless discussion i suppose but i just wanted to say how crazy every moment feels like this past few days.
i know endless tasks can never be finished. i tried my best and i deserve to have this vacation. good thing its my training tomorrow morning which would be on delegation. i probably need this one as i would be pushing all unprocessed tasks to someone. hopefully, i can pack my things tomorrow afternoon. i just realised that my flight is early morning. I originally thought it is at 1.00pm. and now its stressing me...
but what the hell, all i know is that its time to enjoy-
Saturday, December 1, 2007
still cant comprehend how stressed and how disorganised i am at the moment. i havent touched my cooking pans for crying out loud. hopefully i can break free tomorrow and monday... gesh, such a bad week definitely!
looking forward now to my saturday night drinking sessions! haha
Saturday, November 17, 2007
just finished my IELTS finally. feeling confused if i should push through with my residency here. the thing is i can't say that i have made a firm decision of staying. its still 50-50. what are the factors to consider? for one, i wouldn't want to work crazy hours in my previous job. quality of life is good here but who to spend it with? yeah i have my friends here but they still haven't fully decided to stay either. i am definitely enjoying my job. it seems that the only consideration is it really really doesn't feel like home. i know that i've been here for more than a year but it just hard to fully adjust your thoughts on settling in.
hopefully, the idea of going home for a month would help me think about if i can really make it. i wish i could. i reckon i should. but still i am opening possibilities of another career too. lets just see what happens...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
expat bbq event -
i reckon eating it with suchada's chicken wings and loreto's chorizo makes it all gooood. then taste some pastries from portugal and some german lollies to finish it all up! had a wonderful time. too bad im not into footy.. but when im in the mood ill try to join u guys!
analyse me?
dropped the bomb and dreaming away
We went to a Malaysian resto awhile ago (just cant remember the name) but its on top of bars in Darling Harbour. The dinner was fabulous. Then we ended up dessert in Lindt Chocolate Cafe. As usual I had a scoop of 70% splendid ice cream. The last time I recall I had it when Renee was still around. Damn, I miss those times. We don't have money to spend for shopping much so we just have this scoop of ice cream. With $4.50, problems solved!
Time flies so fast and the rain is pouring heavily. Its 1am and surprisingly I am not drunk. But lets see about it tomorrow. Its seems like its beginning to be become a saturday night habit but its worth it. Never had so much fun before! Its gonna be wild, I reckon. wohoo!
Tomorrow's gonna be an Expat BBQ event (in mid-afternoon) - I think I have to buy heaps of San Mig for my colleagues to have a taste of the best beer we can offer! i also have tons of things to buy. Endless shopping list for my giveaways when I go back home after less than a month from now. So I may need to go to DFO in the morning. - a really hectic weekend for me!
Can't help but think of how I'm gonna spend my time when I go home. But its gonna be so fast that I would end up worrying about going back to reality once I'm there. But then again, I have to accomplish what my purpose is. I have to save! save! save! then probably, travel! travel! travel!!!! hahaha
Awhile ago I was talking with my manager originally from Portugal. And I am amazed by her stories of her European tour. How I wish I could taste what different countries would offer in terms of cuisine and tours. Know more about the Western history. And of course deplete my savings (for which I still need to establish). I was also thinking of going to Japan for a secondment. hopefully we are entitled to it. Arrgggh... So much things boggling my mind at this time!
Prolly just need to doze of... and I'll just dream my dreams.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
a good deed
anyway, today i feel that i really lost an hour because of the DST thingey. although my friend told me that one hour is not a bigga deal i reckon with the busy times we're facing... every minute counts! so the moment i woke up this morning, i decided to make this day a productive one. it was a success. did all my laundry and dishes. i had my haircut and bought a contact lenses as well. now im going to cook my dinner and work a bit.
buying contact lenses here in australia is really a nightmare. with all the prescription before you buy it.. unlike back home where you can buy it just like a lollipop. u cant even change brands because that was what have been prescrbed by the optometrician. and to add to the horror, most of them do not keep stock so i have to wait for bloody whole week before i can get my contacts. good thing i checked it with other stores. now i can clearly see the world and wear a smile on the marvelous things surrounding me. :)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
nice and sunny...
after a year here in sydney, i guess i have my share of ups and downs. although the latter has some magnetic charm with me lately... i still think i have some better things in-stored for me for the next few weeks before i go on my vacation back home. suddenly, i felt all alone in my house and i can feel the misery creeping in. the thought that i will be back home seems to come under my skin. i cant help but feel the excitement already and have a hard time focusing on my work lately.
such a saturday night should not be spent at home but sometimes i have the feeling that i should be on my apartment to guard it against the bad phantom of strata. and incidents keep on coming but what the hell - i bought a kensington cable to guard my macbook.
anyway i guess i would just plunge on my dvd watching for a while.. tomorrows gonna be a busy day for me...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
name game
This is what my name stands for?? I thought my mom got it from a burger? or it means a wise power. or maybe from the previous president of the US. but is it just offering naughty arousing lustful delights... and Im not even romeo!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
my new bud
I was too preoccupied the whole weekend exploring what it can do. And it can do soo many things. Because of him I wasn't able to start my work anytime over the weekend. And now I am procrastinating...

Saturday, October 20, 2007
break in...
got me thinking that for what its worth my laptop is almost close to breaking down. lot of virus coming from downloading all sorts of crap. call the thief stupid cos he didnt even stole the adapter for the laptop.
despite these things being stolen, i realised i am lucky they didnt break-in while i am still here or it might cause severe damage to me. i am also happy that it give me a bit of excitement as i will be looking for a new laptop tomorrow. but still, the trauma is the worst part of them all. i feel like the thief is just around the corner. as my friends would say, it was indeed a really unlucky week... thanks guys for being there in times that i need someone for comfort.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
working at school...
anyway, good thing with this audit is that i can leave at 4pm everyday. but today i felt it was terribly late leaving at 5.20pm. plus i have free lunches -
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Blog Action Day

Sunday, October 14, 2007
nite out
anyway, got tremendously drunk again (almost 10 bottles of double ice) and felt the hangover hit me all day long. that's fine since i was asleep most of the day. woke up at 5pm since i arrived at 5am -
dont know how i find all the energy to still do my laundry and dry em up, i was able to cook breakfast and do the dishes before finally sleeping at 6.30 in the morning -
a way to spend after busy season for june 07 clients and now i will have to stretch again and focus on this painful 6 weeks (5 equally tough clients) as i reach end of november. then il go to melbourne for short audit and then do some training and IELTS exam. then i can finally go back home. wohoo! its more than a year and i am eagerly anticipating.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I wanna wish myself a very happy Sydneyversary! Time flies so fast.. and can u imagine I survived my first year in a foreign land? I wanna take this opportunity to thank my friends (work, high school, friend of friends, college, kapitbahay at kung sinu-sino pa...) for being there in times of homesickness. We battled it together and for which I am grateful. Not so long ago, I can recall that I've arrived at Sydney - exactly 10am - and I was not admitted to my hotel accom since check-in time is @ 2pm. I wandered through the city and got myself lost. I quickly went to a mini park not knowing that this park is just beside World Square (which EY is situated). I was totally naive about the lifestyle here. Unaware of how life would be without my family and the friends that I've known all my life. Yet I have conquered the race. I was able to live on my own. Though without much savings I am totally happy.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
i was too engrossed with alcohol last night that i now swore not to have another taste of liquor ever again. or maybe as long as i am with my pibedoka friends. anyway, andrei's leaving so no one would crave for alcohol anyway -
i remember a movie called the one hour photo, in which Robin Williams' character collects different segment of people's memory and compiles it when they die. i hope i could peep in to my memory hole and just look at this one tiny event if it really transpired.
this weekend such a very unproductive one. i should have gone home yesterday instead. no laundry, no grocery, no food to bring to office tomorrow.
im flushed at the moment. dont ask why. i guess one thing would make me happy-im gonna watch reruns again!!!
mr grumpy shirt
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
gold coast vacation
whenever i think about the night before the flight, i imagine a totally rushed packing and figuring out how the hell i can finish all the work before we can go to the airport. i never felt excited all throughout the day since i kept on thinking about deadlines and the things i needed to accomplish before we go on for the long weekend. at last, its time to go...
i remember we hurried out to the train station to catch our plane knowing that we have enough time before we check-in. good thing i have a very well organised team leader *ghie*... i felt a sudden rush of excitement as we wait for the flight. i brought a book with me but i can't seem to concentrate as i was thinking about the fun i was about to experience. imagine a totally free 3 days and 2 nights not thinking about work and just enjoying the sunny weather in Gold Coast.
we landed just alright and we hurried to Raddison - our sanctuary for the whole duration of the vacation. planned how we are going to spend the next coupla days. and again, i felt another rush of excitement as we looked into the site and discovered the awesome rides we are about to hop on...
i guess i dont need to elaborate further on what we did. i will let the pictures speak for themselves. to sum it up, i had the greatest time on the theme parks - movie world, dream world, sea world and white water world. also enjoyed the sunny weather and a bit of swimming in the beach and our pool. plus i spend an enormous time hanging out with the best people who literally know the meaning of FUN!
- cheers mates! i guess will be reunited in our next journey - new zealand!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
delayed gc flight...
stucked in a damned traffic..
Monday, September 24, 2007
long conversation with fam
i also have spoken with my nephew and he relayed to me that he just ate McChicken and that he wanted to go to Australia to visit me. Such a sweet boy. And to add, he must have the cute looks from his Uncle Rondzkee. It is what other people are saying (not just me) ;)
Now, I've got no time to do some chores as it is past midnight. I got to sleep and its another week before i go to GC! wohoo...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
last day at wollongong - holiday at GC - a love story
talk about my happiest day - which was yesterday when i came back to Sydney and slept on my missed room. i cooked a blognese spaghetti with red wine and corned beef. side dish is Doritos! isn't it great!
i just bought a camera and thanks for ghie for financing it. i will pay you as soon as you demand it. cost is about $350 (including 2GB memory card). it would be a great gadget to bring on my gold coast holiday this coming 27 September. can't wait to see the theme parks and the finest beach in Australia.
last weekend I went to Mt. Druitt where A Love Story was shown. I went with Emie, Jaytee and Sheila. Though I'm not an avid Filipino movie goer, I was a bit curious as to the big noice the film was making back home. It was certainly something but I guess I have so much high hopes for the story line. It ended a bit strange and not as I would want it to end. Angelica's dramatic dialogue was just put to waste. She said something about never trusting Aga anymore and I quickly remember how she felt while she was laying down to give birth and all she can see is Aga's reaction on Maricel's nonchalant reaction on their feelings. He was still in love with her!And the scene suddenly turned into a totally different tone. Angelica, Aga and their son were running in the beach shore. The drastic change of events just made me realise that its just a typical movie wherein the producers of the movie would just like to make a happy ending and would want to preserve the family values. Practically speaking, this wouldn't happen in a real world as it would make it difficult for a couple to let the love survive. Wala lang, I was just not used to Maricel not having a strong personality.
But still, its worth the watch. This is the only time I saw heaps of Pinoy queueing towards the cinema's gate. The locals were actually surprise to see a big group of Pinoy people. Whats the blockbuster movie? Anyway, I was also happy to see the radiance of the masa in the movie house. It feels like watching in SM Cinemas. Side comments here. Hiyawan.
Or maybe I just have been really missing home.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
a long audit
Saturday, September 8, 2007
the perfect gift!
some pictures...
Friday, September 7, 2007
waiting for snow
Thursday, September 6, 2007
reward day - birthday leave
anyway, at this exact moment i was born. can't help but think about 25 years... how did i spend my life? one setback of living alone is that there's no one you can talk to in times like this. so i cant really help but feel sentimental. i just hope i wont lose my sanity. 25 years is a lot. i mean i am already existing quarter of a century. what good have i done in this world? maybe the mission is yet to come!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
cutting edge, thai tempered and the woozy experience
im with ghie, dith, rubyd, rubyg, renee and andrei. i hope they've enjoyed it as enormously as i did. well with the exception of the few fall that made my butt temporarily numb. but other than everything was splendid. chuck in some chorizos and dvds i bought made me even happier.
had coffee after that and the girls hearing wedding bells chit-chat. i just cant help but feel curious about the way their emotions get them. i mean its an unwritten rule that girls would fancy big wedding and the intricacies of its preparation. it captured an hour talking about those stuff. for awhile i literally felt a thorn in the roses and i have to crawl myself to their conversation.
we head out to the official entertainment quarter - five dock flat. we sang like there's no tomorrow. had a dinner at a thai resto (king something's the name) in which the crying tiger instantly became a hit to me. though its hot it left the thai tempered over my head which erupted when the waitress hurried to catch us for allegedly not paying the bill. far out!
we then went back to "EQ-five dock" to continue our drinking and singing. i ended up being woozy as ghie would describe it. at least i had a 69 - i mean thats my score! my highest for my hit single "i will surive". i guess needs bit more talent to finally reach 70... i thought of sleeping at their house but decided i need to go home for the call of laundry. as i speak my soiled clothes are all lined up to get all washed up!
Friday, August 31, 2007
the garbage maker and his excellency - 70%
Thursday, August 30, 2007
canberra sightings and my crowned sanctuary
my bed.. still untouched! like a virgin!
twin bed. whats the purpose? pm - i sleep on the right
side and at the strike of ami move to the other side of
the bed.. so that no one gets lonely!
question - why is my laptop on top of the iron board?
answer - power surge happened when i plugged it on
the table. reception told me to plug it near the TV outlet.
that's the best solution! :)
wow dessert! 4 bowls of vanilla ice cream
and a nice coconut / chocolate / strawberry whatever
given for free... actually it came from a friend (who is working
for crowne) of a friend (my street mate long long time ago)..
in short, pinuslit niya for us... iba ang pinoy! hehe :)
Though I have but few pictures to shareEach one has its priceless moments i bearThis three days are short and hecticBut all I can say my friends made it terrific
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
prison break!
Just this morning I woke up quite differently because I dreamt about losing all my teeth! Whew... I know about the urban legend that it should be first narrated to a tree rather than a person. Because if you tell someone that person will die because of the negative vibes. Though its highly preposterous I still followed it just to be sure. We might not fully know what evils and jinxes we have in this world.
Good thing I brought a John Grisham book here in Canberra. I am currently reading King of Torts and the plot just started to thicken.. Anyway, I guess I am boarding in 5 minutes. Just felt a bit frustrated that there's no souvenir shops around. I was hoping to buy even just some keychains for my friends. I will just give them the joy that I didn't have during my stay in Canberra.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
pleasurable dinner as a prisoner of azzkaban!
just when 5.15pm arrived i was anxious of getting my parole but wait... i have to wait for my manager who seemed to went away at 4.30pm. then, i decided to get outta prison and just have my pleasurable meal with my friends from my neighbourhood in pleasure street. in the middle of our dinner, she suddenly rang me and asked questions in which she could have asked before. or probably letting me know that she expects me to work extended period. i didn't even receive a fucking notice of overtime. how should i know that everything should have been done if she never sets out her expectations.
anyway, i went to my friends house after dinner. their place is really really amazing! it was so quiet in the neighbourhood and it is near the lake as well. houses have been placed neatly without any fence that makes it a very homey feeling of a friendly pleasantville society. i hurried going back to the hotel just to check the email that my manager sent me and frustratingly knowing that she sent a forwarded email without any attachments but a picture of the zip file. what the hell? i called her, left her a voicemail and even emailed her. So demanding that she wanted everything be done outright. She didn't even made sure she sent the file. And to top it all, she ruined my evening! Far out!
the moon seems to cooperate with my mood since there was a blood-coloured moon due to the lunar eclipse. never seen the beautiful sky just now. canberra is such a nice place without much pollution that covers the sky. stars are scattered althroughout plus the moon was such a magnificent view tonight.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Banana Leaf Dinner
Anyway was able to breathe after 6pm. Good thing about having an interstate client besides being booked in a great hotel is the $55-dinner individual allowance. Was a bit exhausted looking for the nicest place to dine. Am actually looking for the most expensive resto. But I ended up having dinner at Banana Leaf. Sri lankan cuisine. Ordered: Entree - Chicken crepe; Main - Barramundi something; Dessert - Mango Melba. Food's satisfying but not that so amusing. I plan to research for my tomorrow's dinner. Too bad my pranses superior will be here to put more pressure.
I enjoyed wondering through the streets of Canberra. Its not as cold as I expected. Last week's temperature is as low as 1 degrees. Now its only 7 degrees, which is tolerable. The city is really quiet but still fantastic. Especially the surrounding artistic monuments and different artifacts. Too bad its too weird to get pictures at night alone. I just wish I have someone from Sydney to help me out and to accompany me.
The team is made of almost dozen people from Melbourne and I'm the only one from Sydney office. That's why I ended up alone staying in Crowne Plaza Hotel. But what the heck. I'll enjoy this night!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
physical memory arse dump!
everything is on my laptop and I haven't had any backups at all. even my contact in Canberra is there. good thing is that the helpdesk is 24/7. but hasn't returned my call yet. im really furious about what's gonna happen.
anyway, had an enormous time chatting with my friends last night. talk about techy stuff! we talked using webcam. it was fun since all of them has webcam on their computers. i've seen dyosa ng indonesia. she looks really good. i've seen karla as well with her ma-alindog look.
great news! just received a call from helpdesk and they've fixed the problem! i can now start working, isn't that a treat? :p
Thursday, August 23, 2007
thredbo ski adventure!
christmas day and abrupt flight...
I got a call from our resource coordinator asking me if I wanted to be seconded to Canberra from tomorrow until Wednesday. That'll be fun right? Doing Department of Defense audit and at the same time spending weekend on a place I totally am not familiar with. I've been there before when we went to our snow trip. But this time I've got a chance to see the Parliament House upclose.
Still waiting for my Senior Manager to give me instructions before I book a flight and accomodation. Anyway, I should probably clean my house as it would be inspected on Saturday. I'll also do my laundry. Ciao for now...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Drunk in Sophie's World

Next day I went to Ikea and bought some kitchen wares plus I got myself a tabo (an item pinoy couldn't leave without)... Waited for my friends to come over on my place and we head out to GK777's A Nite for a Cause. It was a great night though I wasn't able to finish it as I have to meet up my friend who came all over to Perth. I planned to leave before 9pm but I was captured by the voice of this last band. She was oozing with energy! Totally enjoyed that one.
I then head out to Rydges to meet my friends. We then went to Oxford St, which is known for its loud and crowded night life. I can say that they still uphold their reputation of lets-get-drunk-and-get-crazy notion. I was so drunk by 4am. Enjoyed the dance and a lot of hot people all over the place. At 10pm I was surprised to see few people coming but at the strike of midnight the dance floor was jampacked. Sadly, two of my friends went home by 2am and I stayed so dead drunk and hungry until 6am. I ended up sleeping all day long. I woke up with a heavy feeling and that's where Sophie came along...
My dishwasher is a mess!!! Soap all over the surface and spilled on the floor. I think I had too much drink when putting the liquid which caused endless production of soap.. I dealt with my hangover wiping the floor and getting the soap out from all the surfaces of my kitchen. Anyway, I think I should be going now as I badly need a strong coffee!
Friday, August 17, 2007
re: cliente
I just realised that the next round is about to happen. I mean the client that I've started with when I first came to Sydney is about to have TPE next month. So I will be celebrating my first anniversary in Sydney soon.
Thales is a key partner of navies worldwide, supplying equipment and systems, acting as prime contractor or systems integrator, providing a full range of support and services.
TCE Audit team: Garry (Partner), Yolaine (Senior Manager), Omar (Accountant), Shejuti (Accountant), Johnny (Vacationer)
ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.
Audit team: Colleen (Partner), Megan (Principal), Caroline (Manager), Dana(Accountant)
Beiersdorf Australia and New Zealand works within the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) industry and is a closely aligned key affiliate of the leading international branded goods company, Beiersdorf AG (Germany). We compete across various branded goods categories including skincare, first aid, wound care and sports medicine.
Audit team: Rob (Partner), Ralph (Manager), Ales (Senior), Johnny (Vacationer), Lou (Vacationer)
Audit team: Colleen (Partner), Maribel (Manager), Joan (Accountant), Sophia (Vacationer), Clare (Vacationer), Bona (Trainee)
Audit team: Trent (Partner), Derek (Manager), Jeff (Accountant), David (Accountant, Keisha (Vacationer)
Audit team: Rob (Partner), Caroline (Manager), Grant (Accountant), Liz (Trainee)
EnerSys is the global leader in stored energy solutions for industrial applications. We complement our extensive line of motive power, reserve power, aerospace/defense and specialty batteries with a full range of integrated services and systems.
Audit team: Brian (Partner), Eric (Manager), Ricki (Accountant), Siobhan (Accountant)
Visy is the world's largest privately owned packaging and recycling company. Visy consists of six major divisions including: Visy Recycling, Visy Pulp & Paper, Visy Board, Visy Specialties, Visy Industrial Packaging and Visy Beverage and Visy Food.
Audit team: Brian (Partner), Eric/Yolaine/Patricia (Managers), Marina/Stephen/Robin/Gary/Christine/Grant/Ricki/Raajeev/Louise (Accountants)
SITA Environmental Solutions (SITA) is one of Australia's leading recycling and waste management companies.
Due diligence team: Craig (Partner), Yolaine (Manager), Alice (Senior)
American Power Conversion, based in West Kingston, Rhode Island, is a maker of AC and DC-based back-up power products and services. APC is best known for their manufacture of uninterruptible power supplies, mostly used as a backup power system for servers. Their current product line includes electrical power products, server racks, server cooling products, and other datacenter products.
Due diligence team: Colin (Partner), Christophe (Senior Manager), Christine(Accountant)
Gallagher Bassett Services offer a comprehensive menu of risk management services, including claims management, information management, risk control consulting, medical cost containment, and appraisal services.
FS Audit team: Paul (Partner), Sanan (Senior Manager), Chris (Manager), Alison/Anastasia(Accountants)
Which one is the best? Which one is horrible? Well, all of them has their own share of happy-sad moment in the client! Torture from managers? I guess this is common. I'm quite happy with my client portfolio but it will change this year though.. Too bad, they wont have rondzkee to do the audit.