I wanna wish myself a very happy Sydneyversary! Time flies so fast.. and can u imagine I survived my first year in a foreign land? I wanna take this opportunity to thank my friends (work, high school, friend of friends, college, kapitbahay at kung sinu-sino pa...) for being there in times of homesickness. We battled it together and for which I am grateful. Not so long ago, I can recall that I've arrived at Sydney - exactly 10am - and I was not admitted to my hotel accom since check-in time is @ 2pm. I wandered through the city and got myself lost. I quickly went to a mini park not knowing that this park is just beside World Square (which EY is situated). I was totally naive about the lifestyle here. Unaware of how life would be without my family and the friends that I've known all my life. Yet I have conquered the race. I was able to live on my own. Though without much savings I am totally happy.
To celebrate this day, I had mini dinner with Jaydee and Cynthia. I also bought some classic DVDs. And on my way to home, I got myself one slice of GJ cake before I was reached by the big harsh droplets of rain!
And after one year of using my E61 I have a new toy - N95! Now I can never lose directions ever again... 
Here are some compilations of pictures I've taken of:
- some great view (if I'm alone)
- some solo pictures taken by others (when I have the guts to ask a complete stranger to take my pictures)
- some various pictures with my friends
- pictures around Australia - including Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Gold Coast and of course Sydney...
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