After tedious process of client scrutinising our report, finally its finished. I've dropped the bomb to Paris. I feeeeel so happy... fulfilled... relieved...and I just want to celebrate all week long!
We went to a Malaysian resto awhile ago (just cant remember the name) but its on top of bars in Darling Harbour. The dinner was fabulous. Then we ended up dessert in Lindt Chocolate Cafe. As usual I had a scoop of 70% splendid ice cream. The last time I recall I had it when Renee was still around. Damn, I miss those times. We don't have money to spend for shopping much so we just have this scoop of ice cream. With $4.50, problems solved!
Time flies so fast and the rain is pouring heavily. Its 1am and surprisingly I am not drunk. But lets see about it tomorrow. Its seems like its beginning to be become a saturday night habit but its worth it. Never had so much fun before! Its gonna be wild, I reckon. wohoo!
Tomorrow's gonna be an Expat BBQ event (in mid-afternoon) - I think I have to buy heaps of San Mig for my colleagues to have a taste of the best beer we can offer! i also have tons of things to buy. Endless shopping list for my giveaways when I go back home after less than a month from now. So I may need to go to DFO in the morning. - a really hectic weekend for me!
Can't help but think of how I'm gonna spend my time when I go home. But its gonna be so fast that I would end up worrying about going back to reality once I'm there. But then again, I have to accomplish what my purpose is. I have to save! save! save! then probably, travel! travel! travel!!!! hahaha
Awhile ago I was talking with my manager originally from Portugal. And I am amazed by her stories of her European tour. How I wish I could taste what different countries would offer in terms of cuisine and tours. Know more about the Western history. And of course deplete my savings (for which I still need to establish). I was also thinking of going to Japan for a secondment. hopefully we are entitled to it. Arrgggh... So much things boggling my mind at this time!
Prolly just need to doze of... and I'll just dream my dreams.