Saturday, November 25, 2006

Freakish Friday Sickness

It seemed that every Friday, I feel a bit different that I could not gather and push myself to go to office. Yesterday, inasmuch as I wanted to go and finish my training, all efforts remained futile. I could not move normally without feeling every bit of my body aching. Pro'ly the weather last Tuesday is the culprit! Imagine a literally steamy afternoon, trains that do not have any aircondition and to reverse the agony, when I arrived at the office its damn freezing! The heaven-and-hell experience made an impact to my body temperature and caused such agony as I even write this blog. I already tried all sorts of medicine, eat the right food, but the feeling won't go away (instantly, I mean). I have to rest the whole day yesterday and today. I can't even go to office to grab my things as I have to go to Brisbane on Monday. I feel worthless at the moment. But what can I do but rest, rest, and rest...

Maybe it's the right time to gather my thoughts. Think about my purpose in life. And sleep the troubles away as I find serenity deep within the mesmerising sound of ... the train!!! Damn those train! They keep on passing.. Haven't I mentioned before that I was living across the train station. So naturally, I could hear the train coming and not only that.. I could feel it. I'm like Kevin Comse' with Home Along da Riles...

'Nuff annoyance. I'll just put my ipod while I sleep and dream about being home...