Been tremendously busy for the past few days. Last week I’ve been finalizing the financial statements of Magsaysay Mitsui O.S.K Marine, Inc – a manning agency. Right now, I am on fieldwork for Wealth Securities located at Philippine Stock Exchange in Pasig City. As you can imagine I’m really busy. Though the hectic skeds I still have time to watch movies and spend my time on leisure. Just last night I watched ‘Mona Lisa Smile’. It’s a good movie though its lengthy plot is a bit tiring and dragging but nonetheless I appreciate the movie. I was able to watch ‘The Last Samurai’. Again, such a good movie but not that great. The usual Tom Cruise movie but its a compelling film. In the sense that you would be curious as to the progress of the plot. Anyway, been very much excited with my new notebook. Though it’s a Dell, I still appreciate it especially the windows button J. Currently, as I am typing, I am adding additional songs so as not to be bored when I’m using it in my client.
Regarding my work. I still have lot of things to learn and I appreciate it even though I go home late at night. All this hardships would payoff in the future. And I believe that SGVians are really investing on experience in the field of audit since we learn about different industries and we also enhance our public relations in a way. And most of all we learn so much about the technicalities of auditing. Nuff said already. Think I’m already carrying myself over. Its already 1:36 am. Gotta sleep already. I’m exhausted but not as exhausting as I can be since I spent time with somebody special.