Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Yahoo!!!! Whoopie!!! Hooray for me!

I'm already a Certified Public Accountant!

After the mind cracking test i have finally made it...

Actually Im really not sure if I did pass

My blockmate told me "Congrats! Ang galing galing mo naman!"

Then suddenly, i was shocked.

I can't move for about a minute

Then I texted her back asking "what about?"

I called her right then and there

She told me Alma (my blockmate also) told her that all blakwan passed

My parents are so happy

Dad abruptly said that we order a pizza

hehehe he's so happy...

My mom is subtly happy

Maybe whe wants to be sure

The feeling is remarkably awesome!

I mean a bit fullfilment and excitement altogether!

I can't wait to see my name on the newspaper.

Anywayz, I have God to thank for inspiring me through and through.