Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Parallel Universe

How can two persons exist in one reality? Both can see the same full moon. Both feels the cold and wet last week of September.

Person 1 feels like everything is simple and can feel that there are no unresolved issues with the heart. However Person 2 thinks all is a complex labyrinth of decision making prior to getting to a resolution. Devoid of spontaneity. Person 2 wants to be Person 1 and just feel the emotions he long to feel. However in retrospect the other longs for order and success in what he does. Achieve more and travel the world. More practical solutions rather spontaneous thinking.

Maybe parallel universe does exist? We walk on the same path everyday but P1 and P2 never cross path. If only they can synergise and gain each other's strengths and develop strategy to manage weaknesses.

Then I realised that maybe it's just a dream. The feeling is real as if I am conscious. Dreams come from the factory of our subconscious hopes and dreams.

If it is a dream? Let me stay here longer. Wake me up when my dreams and reality finally reconciles.