Sunday, September 17, 2017

back to reality...

Arriving in Sydney again after such a long break feels like a flashback in 2006 when I first arrived in Australia. But this time I know that I am wiser, I am stronger and capable of facing anything. Life is meant to be lived carrying our past mistakes and knowing what to do if it happens to you again. I know better what to do this time around. I just have this zeal, that I'm off to a fresh start.

My good friend, Charlton offered to pick me up from the airport. It was such a good offer that I can never say no to. Imagine 3 suitcases and 2 bags. Perfect timing to return cos its my favourite season, Spring. Brings hope and the weather is just perfect.

Charlton and Tin dropped me off at Potts Point. Roi and Jay were waiting for me and we had lunch at an Italian place not far from their apartment.

Few days after I went for a job interview at Acco Brands. It's an office supplies company and its based in King's Park. Farther by one station after Blacktown. Ideally I am not really choosy but this one is really not my type of location I would want to work in. But still I did my best. Brushed up my interview skills. But never heard back from them.

As I am writing this, in handsight - there will be a lot more interviews to come. Maybe after the fourth interview. My ability to carry and sell myself in an interview would show. It is the balance of being confident, precise and sense of humour that is not to overly done but shows of a side that is my charismatic personality. That eventually will happen in 5-7 weeks after this date. 1-4 weeks was a struggle but the glory days will be reaped between 6-8 weeks. 

Finding a job can be daunting. But with patience and resilience. It can be quite exciting especially if you are after your career growth and is very receptive to change.