i started off browsing through ek magazine, which featured a glimpse of dubai. got me interested in visiting burj khalifa - one of the tallest tower in the world. dont quote me though..
then continued with the book i was reading. the thing is the book is not like most books i read. it has lengthy chapter. u get tired finishing one chapter or maybe i got used to murakami style. dont get me wrong the book is interesting. tickles you a bit like a journey back to high school when you first felt butterflies in your tummy.
anyway i remember my boss saying that what they mormally do in a long-haul flight is to watch as many movies you can. their record to date is like 7 movies for a nonstop flight to uk. i reckon i can easily beat that though i browsed the movie list and i cant even find a single nice new movies.
first one is oblivion. spent more than an hour and you get drawn into nothingness simply because the movie is pointless and utterly despicable. a movie that literally tortures u.
next one is oh boy which is a foreign film from germany. loved it and its black and white which is a treat. amazing performance by the lead actor. the story revolves around a guy without direction in life. he's perspective of life can ve depicted as eccentric but ironically full of zeal. at the end he learns a very important lesson that will chanfe his life forever.
the last one that made me doze off is The company you keep. first half hour was promising. its thriller for crying out loud. it has robert redford and susan sorandon (where is auto correct when u need it). but still the plot becomes uninteresting and too complicated that disconnected my consciousness and sent me straight to subconscious portal.
4 hours to go maybe i can catch a quick nap.