It's 4:36p.m. and I am absolutely bored at work.
Let's talk about anything under the bright shiny sun!
~ I wish that it would turnout to be a good investment. Now I can honestly say that its not pouring through and thereby nourishing it. Just tiny droplets but can still make the plant grow. I just hope it will open up more and give abundance in the plants life.
~ Half-way finish with CA and I just hope for the best. Not sure about the future I have with this company. I know that the Executives care for me a lot. They value and trust my judgement - one thing that gravitates me back to Strathfield's force.
~ I still have to organise shipping of my old personal effects back to Manila. And probably need to buy some small things to fill the BB 2011.
~ I have yet to look for the lost treasures. The list seems to be growing and growing. Maybe sign of ageing or just my obvious reckless personality. I need the iPad2 connector, I need my old memory card, I need my CBC and GEC to utilise unused facilities.
~ I am proud to announce to all of you that the queen of HRHRM has given Royal Assent to terminate certain facilities. I have provided her with a list and recommendation based on the risk profile. She even commended my work as of high quality and sound judgement. Well, it is one way in building competence and reputation with her.
~ Further project assigned by the queen is analysis on LTCC's and maturity of BL's, with the immediate objective of raising capital to fund travel appropriations for next financial year.
~ We also had an informal strategic discussions on Hibiscus Royal. It is something that is planned but likelihood is still remote at this stage. I am speculating 2020's as the date of its inception.
~ Finally its 4:59p.m. only a minute from the theoretical dismissal. But obviously I have to stay until everyone goes home. Part of my allegiance to hard-work and leadership indicator (?) but not really.