Saturday, October 16, 2010

One Step Closer

Feels like I just graduated from High School. Just finished my fourth year here in Sydney. Technically its not cos I flew around a bit but basically as far as my application for citizenship is concerned, I'm eligible and that's all that matters I reckon.

So much to hope for. The rebuilding of my career and self has just begun. It won't take a year, maybe 2-3 years to establish an empire and be where I wanna be. But citizenship is a start.

Next Tuesday will be my citizenship appointment and test. but before that I have to struggle with month-end at work and another Tax exam. I always dreaded getting the result of my exams. Bit paranoid but then I realise I got the top mark.

Everything goes well now. I am just living the moment. Climbing the steepest stairs to freedom and life. Soon I will be there and triumph will be all around me.