Good vibes just keep on coming. Forget about the slight mishaps. Thinking about what's been happening this past few days/weeks everything seems to be falling where it should be.
As part of my fourth anniversary in Sydney, I have compiled a collage of photos of my Australian adventure.

I began today waiting for my citizenship test. Sat down at Gloria Jeans killing time and reading through
this... And I learned a lot. By heart.
And ever since I discovered how to tether my BB to my mac, I enjoy the privilege of internet anywhere with 3G BB. Googled some current updates on politics, legislation and some economic issues. Just to keep me updated. Recently I've been so hooked with Australian news. Thanks to Twitter and Yahoo!7. Also we are obliged to read Financial Review every now and then. Often I get left out in class discussion if I didn't read what's new on the news.
Cut long story short, I was 20 minutes early for my citizenship appointment. The lady who interviewed me is way cool. The other interviewer is a bit of a snob. I mean all of them should conform to a professional manner in dealing with candidates but I think they were too stiff. Mine was a fabulous lady. We chatted about how wonderful weather was and asked about living in the City. After 15 minutes of checking my documents, she gave me a piece of paper and told me to take the test. I know I am well prepared for the test although I only started reading the handbook last night. I have 2 unsure answers but I ended up getting 19 out of 20. Not bad. 5 mins out of 45 mins allotted. It was quick and easy I should say.
Timeframe is about 3 months before the pledge. But as far as I'm concerned, I am now qualified. And pledge is just a formality.
Think about it, I was staying in Sydney for 4 years and never realised I would finally settle here. I thought of just gaining experience but here I am. Residing and living in a spectacular cosmopolitan and multicultural dynamic land.