Tuesday, September 15, 2009

been around...

lately i know i'm blogless. but twitterful. and cheerful.

just a week prior to my birthday, roi visited me here in sydney and i have the honour of showing him around. then the day before my birthday, jeff came for an 18-day holiday in australia. i was too busy touring as well. forgot about job hunting and all those routinary stuff that i do that kills me from boredom. good thing that i still have enough funds to sustain me and i've been around NSW.

will insert picture links soon...

now im back to the normal bit i used to do. but this time, i've got enough books and dvds to entertain me until the job search finally concludes. *cf*

its tuesday, its movie day. this time emie would join me and hoping that funny people would indeed stand by its name. otherwise that's another ten bucks i wont see again.