An insinuation has set into my inner core. I realised all misfortunes that has beset my burdened soul. I surmise that this has something to do with how I live my life for the past few years living in splendor. It now occurred to me that I have to rethink my priorities in life. Not all can happen with just a click of a button or snap of my fingers. Nor can it be solved by a drink or dance to shoo away the troubles. Even not by going for a vacation in a pathetic excuse of inner searching and self-reflection. It all happens with a solid plan. A step by step solutions on how to deal with each problems. Focusing at one point at a time.
Each journey has some stops that would enable us to reflect what we have done wrong and figure out a way to solve our problems. I therefore would start drawing my map. Meticulously draft my way to a path that I want to take. Route that I want to travel in.
This predicament will definitely make me stronger. Facing trials I encounter would give me strength to battle through life again as I untangle and fix the fragments of my life. God is always patient and kind. He will not give us trials that we cannot face.
And I ponder.
It starts with a 'will'. and followed by the present tense of actually crystallising it.