its quite awhile since i blogged. i missed it.
here are couple of ups and downs happening to me lately:
- was able to buy two tickets to coldplay's concert. wohoo!
- was way beyond my budget! its indeed a credit crisis...
- was able to finish my pies (internal meetings)
- was not promoted to manager
- was able to buy reese and more reese!
- was put on another week's appointment for property inspection
- was able to clean my flat
- and worst of all my gotenks' head from my keychain was completely destroyed... :c
two of my friends lost their job
my other friend was finally accepted on a good job
my other friend will resign from her job
and i now feel that i suck at my job
its not always rainbows and butterflies
but come to think of it
there are more things in life than work -
and now im realising that there's still much to learn...