first night was a horrific event mainly because of
- turbulent qantas fly
- smelly curry for dinner
- delayed baggage claim
- major change of temperature (36C at Syd; 13C at Mel)
to offset this dreadful experience, the halloween party was not bad at all. i was able to see September perform live and singing the famous' oxland song - Cry for you.
food's fantastic by the way, i reckon the two pears (roi's term for niko and me cos we're pear shaped) are getting bigger! friday's, sambal (malay cuisine), pizza haven (oxland of melbie) and many more fattening experience.
crowd here is much better than syd. or maybe because of the melbourne cup weekend where everyone's wearing their fancy dresses and lavish hats...
to end the day - just because we got sooo tired from walking, i removed my shoes and walked barefoot in South Yarra. fantastic experience. twas rejuvinating. finally i realised why those aussies with stelletos would love to walk barefoot even when dressed perfectly.