Saturday, August 30, 2008


currently RM is being bombarded with unlimited thoughts and too lazy to put them in writing so for laziness sake i'll just enumerate them...

- for bevs - am so much thankful for you have always been an amazing friend. and i hope you have enjoyed being with us as much as i did. you're one of the closest friend i have here in sydney and thanks for being a confidante. we shall meet again!
- speaking of confidante. COP membership has greatly increased this year. i'm proud of that but i will keep it as it is for now
- amazing trip guys though we did not make it to port stephens, i reckon the lookout is worth that arvo getaway
- i'm looking forward to tonight's pub - celebrate good music and drinks
- tomorrow's plan is to exterminate all crawling insects on my flat!! it shall happen and i shall have my great baygon as a weapon

*there comes a time that you feel you're not as creative as before. cant think of any title... so going forward rather than putting pointless titles that doesn't stand out.. ill just say "untitled"*