I hate it!!!
The worst day ever. Stupid stupid stupid me.
First - I already drafted my long blog about this stupidity then bevs called and the entry i thumbed on my bb was all gone.
Second - I didn't wait for my staff and decided to walk from client to the train station. Thinking its not that far. But it is! 20 mins walking under hi-speed motion to save my face from shame when my staff sees me walking and not waiting for him. I realised I'm better off going with him for a lift. Its cold, my feet's throbbing and I have to suppress my urge to pee.
Third - As I am in such a hurry to go home, I got on the first train I saw... thinking that all trains will lead eventually to Strathfield but I'm dead wrong. I realised half way through that its directly going to the city via different route. So I have to step out and go back to square one.
I realised I'm better off heading to the city and back to another train via strathfield is much quicker cos of the express trains.
Oh well, sometimes we're stupid and I just learned to be more patient.
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