Friday, April 25, 2008

ANZAC day and blah blah

i just realised that ANZAC day means Australia New Zealand Army Corps. it is celebrated on 25th of April and it never changes whatever day it falls. Most holidays in Australia are usually moved on a Friday or Monday to extend the weekend. It has something to do with the army in Gallipoli in Turkey during the World War 1.

That was our discussion awhile ago with the team cos we were stranded in the rain while eating our portuguese burgers. Btw, thanks to Neil for treating us for lunch. :)

I am really looking forward to this holiday not because I still remember last year's parade which is really interesting but because I'm crossing the continent tomorrow. I will be in Perth for the long weekend - which I extended my holidays til Monday. What a treat!

Got home quite late today cos of all the busy season rush. I needed to finalise a lot of things before I go for this 4-day long weekend. Honestly, I haven't been in touch with a lot of people lately because of the work pressure. I'm juggling a lot of clients lately and I am not so happy about it. I have to work extended hours every single day (which is unusual if you're living in Sydney).

But now its time to relax. Too bad Niko won't be able to join us. Its just me, Ghie and Roi... I wonder what's in stored?

It feels like a Friday, really. And I am a bit frustrated cos I wasn't able to join the guys for drinks awhile ago. Though we went for shopping in the City. I ended up too frustrated cos I wasn't able to buy a single thing. My impulsiveness wasn't too active to buy a watch from Armani. I guess its too expensive even with 25% discount..

I guess this is the record I've spent time in the office to work - 12.30am.

Also wondering about extending my contract and apply for permanent residency. Last Monday, my counselor asked me that and I couldn't decide yet. Its too early to tell after what happened with my Dad.

Its already 3am and I'm meant to wake up by 3.30am... So I guess there's no sleeping then. My friend's too drunk and might have dosed off by now. So I decided just to blog and tell my life's story for the week.

Basically, nothing much except for work. Nothing much to tell. Although weekend usually is free and we don't have to work except if you're FBFF... hehe but for me, I worked last Sunday as well. Saturday we went out and got slightly drunk. Just to celebrate happy moments and not think about all the stress in our own worlds.

I reckon there's nothing much to read through this entry so if you're bored. Just stop reading and go to other sites which is more worthwhile.

Let's talk about something else...

Maybe something about 10 things you don't know about me
1 - I'm an introvert. I may look friendly sometimes but honestly, I love spending time alone. Talking to myself or just enjoying serenity but I think its more of insanity
2 - I tend to put on a really weird accent when I'm speaking in English. I dunno - its a mixture of French-Spanish-Aussie accent probably because of my manager influences. Its really weird I tell you.
3 - I love mixing all sorts of condiments (i.e., ketchup, gravy, soy sauce, mayo, or anything at all). But its not limited to condiments, it can be anything edible. There was a time I melted an ice cream and placed coleslaw in it and its not bad at all.
4 - I kept on singing thinking that I have a pleasant voice but actually other people do not appreciate it for some reasons not too obvious. and the weird thing is - even the scoring system seems to be malfunctioning.
5 - I can close my nostrils without touching it. Like for instance I am carrying a heavy baggage and someone farted on the elevator. I can close my nose. but on second thought, i might just try not to breathe. its much easier and i wouldn't look stupid.
6 - I still can't drive!! I really do want to learn but I have some sort of phobia in learning new things. Not much of a risk taker here.
7 - I don't eat squid's tentacles because if you look closer there seems to be a suction device that might choke me and that might kill me. does it have a phobia-word for it?
8 - As a child, I have a thought that if you are flying to the States, the reason you take an airplane is to go up into the clouds cos that's where America is. And the clouds represent the snow.
9 - That I accidently slept during the CPA board exams.
10 - I easily get excited over new gadgets. And my impulsive buying is just unbelievable. I lost my laptop cos it was stolen from my apartment. And the next day I got my mac. I immediately bought an instant internet wireless connection and was on the web within 5 mins. I remembered my first laptop and internet connection, I even took a sickie just to explore it!

Whew. That's a hard list..
Now my stomach is crunching and craving for a food.
One thing I have in mind is to cook my breakfast.
I might have some rice and tuna with egg.
My fridge is empty.
I never filled it cos I always ended up throwing spoiled food most of the time.
Hopefully, I could find a roomie soon.
I might move out this August.
Anyone interested?
Warning though - I am a messy person but tolerable, i think
cos I have a girl-house mate before and she did not complain much (insofar as i am aware though)

I think I have to end this stupid blog entry now
I have to wake up Ghie
We're about to go to Perth now
And I have to cook some brekkie as well.
Ciao, I'll tell you when I'm in Perth.
Its 2-hour time difference and it would be a 5-hour flight.
Have a nice long weekend, everyone (if you're from Oz or NZ)
if not, then wish you were here LOL!!!