Tuesday, March 25, 2008

answered prayer

my dad has just been released from ICU. i have been constantly praying for this day to come. i remember how our co-ICU watchers have been united with one purpose - that our patients be transferred to a private room come easter sunday.

i learned how to be more patient as it is indeed a tough job to take care of my dad knowing that he still has a lot of adjustments - i.e., transition from feeding tube to drinking/eating liquids through mouth, his level of consciousness, knowing the time and adjusting his sleeping mood, and of course the poo-poo attack!

three weeks of being here is quick. i will be coming back to sydney on sunday. i just hope that i have the courage to continue work. life is really a struggle. on every downfall, there is always someone who will extend His hands and help us back to continue the journey.