Tuesday, January 2, 2007

my freakin' housemate

The start of the year is really bloody annoying. Wuthappund? Well, for the first time I met this morrocan girl who grew up in UK and she's kept on screaming and shouting and cursing! Then, I came outta my room and just wanted to know what the fuzz is it all about. Her name is Nadia. She's having problems getting rid of her ex-boyfriend since she wanted to go to work yesterday. She's mad telling me that she wasnt able to sleep good and that she wanted to go out but this guy he's with isn't cooperating. She keeps on slamming the door.

I didn't mind her at first and I went with my usual routine of making cup of coffee. Guess what she said? She asked me to make her coffee and I said I don't know how to make her the type of coffee. She said that she wanted two sugar bags and I would put water and heat it using the microwave. The nerve!! So I just left the milk, sugar, and coffee granules so that she could make her own. But she never used it.

To further worsen the situation, she kept knocking on my door asking for a toilet tissue paper I lent her mine and of course I never expected it to be returned. This girl is making us feel uncomfortable. I even saw my cooking pan used up with all the rubbish pasta left on it and was soaked in water. I left a post it note on her door saying she should clean my pan.

To good thing is that our landlord has already made some actions to the tribunal and is being given 14 days to vacate the room for breach on the lease agreement. That's good because I don't want to have such a trashy housemate. But the good side of it was 2 of my other housemates were very cooperative and we talked about all this problem. Plus we have some bonding sessions because of that bloody morrocan girl.