Because of the strong typhoon named Milenyo, we did'nt have electricity for three whole days!! Til now the phone lines are dead and I can't connect to the internet without it coz I'm still using dial-up. Remind me to get a broadband connection before I leave for Sydney.. Anyway, there's a lot of things to blog about during those dark nights ("dark ages").. In a way, I can say that its a blessing. Since I was able to finally clean my room. Organize the things I'll be bringing to Oz. I finally got rid of all those unwanted things hidden under my closet that's been bugging me for months now (i.e., plastic bags, paper bags, scratch papers, empty snack packages). Finally, I have already organized my DVD, VCD, CD collections. I already decided what pocketbooks to bring to Oz. And most importantly, I have bonded with my neice and nephew during the dark ages..
Here are some pictures of the damages during the dark ages...

Here are the picture some pictures of how we looked like during the dark ages...

Here are the picture some pictures of what we did during the dark ages...