Friday, October 20, 2006
The One Where I Got Exhausted Looking for a Place to Stay
Every after office, I usually hit the train station and start to head my way to a destination that I don't seem to know where. I just got this tiny little print-out that says what directions I'm going. Thanks to that really helped in looking for a room. Anyway, I went to Glebe, Erskinville, Alexandria, St. Peters, Campsie, Redfern, and a lot of places in the Sydney City but still I can't decide where to go. I suddenly feel exhausted and I hate searching! I just wanna take a break and rest.. The last place to check out is somewhere in Hay Street and its just within Sydney City. Walking distance towards office. And probably I can end this horrible search by Sunday. I just hope I get a nice room that I could stay until the end of my contract with EY. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The One With The First Day of Work
Yesterday was my first day at work. Had a really great time with the induction to the Company minus my unfamiliarity with their accent. But I'll get used to it anyway. Meet some great people at office thanks to my buddy, Makayla. She's helping me know the knitty-gritty details of doing some small stuff. Although I came from another EY office, there are some differences with my current office. But I can manage all that since its not that huge. Btw, I can't help but get used to the word "lovely" everytime I say that I understood the things that people are telling me. Today is my full day of work here but basically I just do my admin stuff and getting familiarised everything 'round the office.
I'll just post some pictures next time, especially my area here. My card readers isn't functioning well this time.
I'll just post some pictures next time, especially my area here. My card readers isn't functioning well this time.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The One Where I Met Some Pinoy Peeps
Yesterday is quite a different day for me since I meet a lot of Pinoy people that shortly I got acquainted with. I am really happy that I Emie invited me for her brother's birthday barbie @ Hornsby.. Is such a shame that I came in late because I overlooked the train trip which is 45 mins from the city. How stupid am I to compare it with Bondi travel or Circular Quay travel?!!? Anyway, I had a great time being with them. Finally speaking my language and of course!! I ate rice! adobo! etc... After that we went to West-something mall and enjoyed the aircon since its boiling 39 degrees outside. I learned that spring is a mixture of hot dry season and cool air season.. Anyway, we went to Emie's place and afterwards we played badminton at the sports stadium. Its really fun and I enjoyed my Sat with them.

The One Where I Got Tired of Walking to Bondi Beach
Two days ago I walked a thousand miles going to Bondi Beach. Is it because of my stupidity that I'm afraid to ask where I can buy bus tickets? Or is it another side of me that I want to explore Bondi? It seemed that I walked forever before I reach Bondi Beach. I can still feel my feet's throbbing with pain. Anyway, I'm really frustrated because when I finally reached the shore, its already evening and I can't feel the beach appealing me. Nonetheless, I was really fascinated how huge the beach is and how nice it is to bathe or just sit on the sand. I just wish that the next time I go there, there would still be sunlight!! Anyway, summer's coming down and I would just wait for the right time to go there.

Friday, October 13, 2006
The One Where I Went To Circular Quay..
The One Where I Went to Darling Harbour
The One Where I Learned How To Cook
The One Where I Stayed @ Quest on Dixon
I'm currently living @ Quest on Dixon, servided apartments. The Company provided me with free temporary accomodation for 2 weeks. It's a nice place since it is fully-furnished with all the stuff I need like TV, DVD, Stereo, Microwave, Fridge, Electric Stove, Toaster, Water Heater, Kitchenware, and many more. But I still have to look for a place ASAP so that I could be ready at any moment my stay in Quest will expire..

The One Where I Went Back to IHMS...
Last week before I was here at Sydney I was enjoying my few remaining days back home. And I was invited by my brother to go my niece's (Angelique) field demonstration since its the feast day of St. Francis. I went there and watched the performance of my niece. I also went to the faculty room and I saw my teachers back in high school. I can't help but be proud of where I am today. If it weren't for their constant care and guidance I wouldn't be where I am.
Here are some pictures of Angelique...

Here are some pictures of Angelique...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The One Where I Arrived @ Sydney
Just arrived at Sydney at around 10am. So this is what it feels like to have a jet lag. I'm short of sleep and I really do feel weird. My body clock tells me I'm not supposed to be eating yet but it's lunch time already. When I finally arrived at my temporary accomodation, they told me that I should wait for another 3 hours before I can finally go to the assigned room. I'm really dead tired when I entered my room since I spent 3 hours opening a bank account, getting a prepaid card (vodafone), walking around to familiarize myself with the place. Without much sleep for crying out loud.
On an overall assessment, Sydney CBD looks nice and the kinda place I will surely love to be strolling around for the next 2 years. I have yet to discover what's in-store for me @ the harbour side since from where I'm staying its really near the harbour.
The feeling is actually surreal but one thing that really dominates is a sense of being isolated. The feeling that you are different from all people around you. I really have to go out a lot during my free time before working so that I could already have a feel of the place and fin'lly become one of the Sydneysiders...
I think this will be it. I'll just post when I have the power to post. Right now I feel exhausted even though I already took some rest of about 2 hours. I think it was caused by brat at my back during my flight here. She keeps on pushing the tray table and what makes it more irritating is that her father does not care about it..
On an overall assessment, Sydney CBD looks nice and the kinda place I will surely love to be strolling around for the next 2 years. I have yet to discover what's in-store for me @ the harbour side since from where I'm staying its really near the harbour.
The feeling is actually surreal but one thing that really dominates is a sense of being isolated. The feeling that you are different from all people around you. I really have to go out a lot during my free time before working so that I could already have a feel of the place and fin'lly become one of the Sydneysiders...
I think this will be it. I'll just post when I have the power to post. Right now I feel exhausted even though I already took some rest of about 2 hours. I think it was caused by brat at my back during my flight here. She keeps on pushing the tray table and what makes it more irritating is that her father does not care about it..
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Addicted to I-Cafe
Ey, this is not the same place SGVians eat most of the time when we do not have enough budget to go lunch-out. And also I do not eat much at E-cafe since I don't like the food most of the time. What I really mean by I-cafe is internet cafe.. I think I don't have a choice but get addicted to it since til now there's no phone line @ Better. So all I can do is go to SMB or Netopia and catch-up with long-lost chatmates and officemates. Well, for three consecutive days I've been going here to update my blog, to reply to important emails and to touch base with my friends. In awhile, I'll be meeting my friends @ SGV (the Bobot team). Yesterday, I met my friends way back in college. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I'll be meeting my friends @ SGV (batchmates) and High School friends. I'm really excited. More blog when I return tomorrow...
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
A Taste of OzY
Had two-time marathon of Cold Rock.. It's a taste of australian creamery.. First I'm with ECP, She and Mina.. Then I came with Abby, ECP and Boss Mae... Here's the pictures of the former group. Btw, I want to take this opportunity to thank Boss Mae for giving me a despidida lunch. I really really appreciate it. Thanks so much!!

Last Frontier of Rockwell
Just recently visited various places that meant to me for the last few years. But first I went to PRC to claim my CPA certificate. Had a bad luck with our car since it got busted while my dad waits for me. I left him since I got tons of thing to do.. I visited PRTC where I reviewed but I wasn't able to talk to my reviewers since most of them are not in the office. But one personnel there recognized me and I'm very glad she still knows me. Next, I went to SSS but before that I had to walk a great distance from Ayala-Buendia going to Buendia-Makati Ave. I went to get an OW-Form to document that I am paying my SSS as an OFW. But I failed to bring some requirements. Remind me to go there tomorrow, hopefully. Then I walked all the way from SSS to Rockwell. Can you imagine that?! Anyway, its worth the sacrifice since I really really miss Rockwell. I have some pictures taken. Since its been half a year since I last visited the place. I bought some items at FCUK and Marks & Spencer. And of course, wherelse would I eat but only @ Brother Burger!! Yey..

The Dark Ages
Because of the strong typhoon named Milenyo, we did'nt have electricity for three whole days!! Til now the phone lines are dead and I can't connect to the internet without it coz I'm still using dial-up. Remind me to get a broadband connection before I leave for Sydney.. Anyway, there's a lot of things to blog about during those dark nights ("dark ages").. In a way, I can say that its a blessing. Since I was able to finally clean my room. Organize the things I'll be bringing to Oz. I finally got rid of all those unwanted things hidden under my closet that's been bugging me for months now (i.e., plastic bags, paper bags, scratch papers, empty snack packages). Finally, I have already organized my DVD, VCD, CD collections. I already decided what pocketbooks to bring to Oz. And most importantly, I have bonded with my neice and nephew during the dark ages..
Here are some pictures of the damages during the dark ages...

Here are the picture some pictures of how we looked like during the dark ages...

Here are the picture some pictures of what we did during the dark ages...
Here are some pictures of the damages during the dark ages...

Here are the picture some pictures of how we looked like during the dark ages...

Here are the picture some pictures of what we did during the dark ages...

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