Wednesday, September 13, 2006

9 days to go...

A really long time since I last blogged. The real reason was due to pressure in completing all the archiving of my 2005 engagement. Its a tough job but still I set a deadline that I will finish them all this week. Such tasks keep me stay busy, which helps a lot with the current emotions I am feeling regarding my decision to work in Sydney. I feel emotionally down at this moment, not only because I will surely miss my family and friends but also the current situation I am feeling. I just feel that this past few days, I've been spending my time with my friends and going home early with my family. I just can help but feel flustered because someone can't understand my situation. I really fed-up with such circumstance.. And I don't wanna discuss further how pissed I am..

Anyway, few more days and the effectivity of my resignation will take effect. I will miss the SGVian lifestyle. I plan to jot a list of things I will miss... A lot I can think of is closely-related with my lifestyle here at SGV. I think there will be a lot of comparison and adjustments I will make at EY and surely I wish that I could really adopt to their working environment. The fear of not being accepted within the group is predominant but I can't find any reason why such thing will happen. I just wish that there is equality and an open chance to excel. My thoughts are really vague. I 'll post a lenghty one when I'm throught with SGV. hahaha ;)

Btw, its 9 days to go before I'll be SGV alumnus. LOL!!