Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Great Australian Slang...

The apple isle -Tasmania
Everything's apples - in good order
Auntie - the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC)
Australian salute - swatting a fly away with your hand
Barbie - barbecue
Beautie - fantastic, great
Boggan - daggy person
Bloody - the great Australian adjective
A blue or barney - an argument
Brekkie - breakfast
Bum - bottom or homeless person
To go bush - disappear or get away for a break
Chook - chicken
Chunder - to vomit
Clobber - hit someone
Within cooee - within calling range
Come a cropper - to fail
Digger - Australian soldier
Dinkum - authentic
Done like a dinner - to be completely worsted
Dunny - toilet
No flies on him - applied to someone who is astute
Galah - an idiot
Galoot - stupid person
Good on ya - expression of approval
Knee high to a grasshopper - small
Grog - alcohol
To be jack of - to be fed up
Joe Blow - to other fellow
Happy as Larry - completely happy
Live on the smell of an oily rag - live on a minimum
Fit as a mallee bull - very fit
Massage parlour - brothel
Mossie - mosquito
Plonk - cheap wine
Pokies - poker machines
Ring in - substitute
Dead ringer - identical
Ripper - fantastic
She'll be right - general reassurance
Two pot screamer - very susceptible to alcohol
Sheila - woman
Tucker - food
Woop woop - a location a long way away