Monday, January 9, 2006

the thing with too much work

i guess i shud hav not taken that beyond lights-off work...
i supposedly walked away from office work and went home to rest...
i shudda known my limitations when it comes to working hard for 3-consecutive days...

I really don't know who to blame or what I should have done. But I already had sufferred enough. For the weekend I am sick to the very core of my cells. I don't know but I feel that there is so much to do. I haven't watched Narnia for pete's sake. And I haven't even gone to powerplant for once-in-a-blue-moon-70%-discount...

Anyway, nuff of the fuzz.. Good thing my client agreed that we meet tomorrow am not today.. which I cannot be allowed since Im still sick awhile ago. WE're off to Subic for inventory count. So I think I have to rest now. To regain my strength..

Just gotta send an email to my boss my work (the root cause of my sickness)..