Strong cool winds at night and pretty hot temperature during noon is what spring is about in Korea. I don't need an aircondition, just open the window of my hotel a lil bit and i got an instant airconditioning. Its very cold in the morning that I have to heat-up the shower. Its also very hard to wakeup during the morning. Good thing I could go to as late as 9:30 in the morning since the client opens up club by 11am. Plus the finance manager usually arrives at 2pm. A nice thing here though is that people are very friendly and accomodating. Tough part is the language barrier especially when I go to different stores. They really don't understand you unless you make a sign language. Anyway, Im attaching some of my pix here so that you could imagine my life here alone. Just put in some stories when Im pretty slack. Gotta hit the road. I have some things to do.. By Monday, Im off to Seoul to find some things over there and enjoy my stay here in Korea.