Its already been a week since I returned home from Cambodia. Exactly what am I doing there? Well, just pure simple audit work. We never planned to roam around since many say that it is not a safe place because of the land mines and prevalent crime. Contrary to that, we're still alive and even enjoyed the beauty of Phnom Penh. We stayed there for more than two weeks starting from the closing days of 2004. We practically spent the new breeze of 2005 in Kampong Cham. All the worries turned into excitement upon setting foot on Phnom Penh Airport. There is so much to expect from the rich-cultured country. By the way, the Kingdom of Cambodia was under French regime. 85% of them are Buddhist. Their race ranges from Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, etc. You could really see that most of them look different. Anyway, there's so much to say since we just did not finish doing the audit but also we've learned that Cambodia is a hidden tourist attraction. The people and their heritage is the legacy that they should be proud of. No wonder so many foreigners are in Phnom Penh.
Attached are some of my pictures taken during my stay in Cambodia.

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