Prelude to the Busy Season...
Just a bit of background first regarding my work. A person who tests the validity of the clients' financial information reflected on their annual reports called financial statements. We do not actually by 100% assure that the financial statements are accurate. We, however, attest that the financial statements are fairly stated and it could be relied upon by users of such report. We are an auditor. Nuff said. Before I make it a lil boring let me just say that 70-80% of our time is dedicated in our work. Why? Since there is so much to do and we do not have enough manpower in the firm. Why? I guess the firm is more profit oriented and in my opinion harrasses each one of its staff. Well that is the negative way, i may say. But there is so many things that we get from these weaknesses. We learn the value of working hard and using our time wisely. We learn the knitty gritty procedures in every company that we audit. In short, we are trained thoroughly before we go out and face the world of business. Yes we will get out. Simply because majority of the staff are really working here temporarily and wanted to seek a greener pasture somewhere out there. You might ask why go to other place if you could experience what the firm is offering? In defense, i could say that time with its scarcity is to be enjoyed in living it not in focusing with your work. Work is not intended to be lived but the contrary. Anyway, i could say all of this stuff since i am experiencing a great deal of stress and anxiety when coming home from work. I realized that so many things are wasted but again i could say that so many things are gained in return. The experience is like an intangible asset that appreciates through our stay on the firm. Well this would have to be just a prelude and we all expect things to become worse. With all that I just wish myself all the luck in accomplishing this short term goals. And just maybe, i will come to appreciate these things as time goes on.