Watched the concert last November 16, 2003 (Sunday) @ the Global City - Fort. It's really frustrating at first since we waited for approximately 90 minutes before she sang one of my favorites--Heartbreaker. She was wearing a very seductive and revealing attire. Anyway, I was really fascinated with her voice. She was dazzling and amazing at the same time. It didn't fail to question myself if its really for real. Anyway, I enjoyed the show. Although you can somehow say that she aged a bit but still her voice continues to amuse us all. Here's the list of the songs she sang during her concert:
By the way, it rained prior to the concert and I was thinking maybe that's when her grand entrance would fit in and she'll be singing ~ Through the rain... A play of fireworks were also shown before the concert started and I was also thinking that a helicopter would suddenly be flying above us while Mariah would jump with her parachute and singing ~ Honey.
Some pictures...