Sexual Facts & Revelations...
Sex revelation 1
The best cure for menstrual cramps is? Ladies, what's the best cure for menstrual cramps? An orgasm! The muscle that contracts during cramps is actually the same muscle being released during an orgasm. Here's another shocker! Don't be surprised if the next time you have menstrual cramps, you experience an orgasm. Menstrual cramps, yes,pain-pain-painful menstrual cramps, have been known to bring on an orgasm in very rare cases.
Sex revelation 2
Semen tastes like? Lipstick was said to be invented in the early Egyptian days for women who specialized in oral sex. They wanted their lips to look like their vulva, so as to appear more inviting to Egyptian men. Generally,the taste of a man's semen depends on his diet. And there're about 7 calories in a teaspoon of semen. Alkaline-based food, like fish and, some meat, produces a buttery,fishy taste in the semen. Garlic gives a garlicky taste while dairy products a foul taste. The foulest taste of them all is said to be produced by eating asparagus. Acidic fruits and alcohol (except processed liquors) give it a sweet tang. By the way, oral sex firms up the lower face nicely.
Sex revelation 3
I have a headache, honey? Alas, wives can no longer use headache as an excuse not to have sex with their husbands unless their husbands still don't know that sex is in fact one of the best ways to get rid of a headache. During sexual intercourse, the release of endorphins (pain relieving hormones with properties similar to morphine) acts as a pain-suppressant for the headache, relieving you of your immediate discomfort. So you feel a lot better. But in rare cases, sex can also cause headaches. If you suffer from these sex headaches frequently, give your General Practitioner a visit. Do you know what's a common side effect of using Viagra? Bingo! It's headache.
Sex revelation 4
Sexy numbers that puts you to zzz? An average lovemaking session burns off about 100 calories. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 116 muscles to climax. The fastest speed for erotic sensations to travel from underneath the skin to the brain is timed at 251.16 km per hour. You can hope for more, but an orgasm generally lasts around 3-11seconds,and the orgasmic contractions for both men and women are on par at 0.8 seconds intervals. The bigger the orgasm, the sounder you'll sleep. But take note,having multiple orgasms, let's say 20 times or more per hour, can induce coma.
Sex revelation 5
Size matters? During foreplay, a woman's breast can increase up to as much as 25%! ...not that this happens every time of course. In response to the sexual stimulations, the increase in blood flow also often causes the veins in the breasts to show more obviously. Since we're onto the subject of size, here's a piece of good news going out to fleshy women out there. A worldwide survey of men's tastes in women revealed that more men preferred plump women to slim ones.
Sex revelation 6
Chocolate + coffee makes a nymphomaniac? If you're a chocolate addict,it sure explains a lot of things. Well, chocolate contains phenylethylamine(PEA), the very chemical that flows through the veins of someone in love.
You know what I mean, it's responsible for the feelings responding to love-the sensations of euphoria, bliss and sexual attraction. In addition, chocolate also contains phytosteral, a plant substance that may mimic
human sex hormones. (Perhaps this explains why some women crave for chocolates just before menstruation when their hormone levels dip.) Add up these 2 chemicals and you understand why chocolate is referred to as a sex food. Right, dear chocolate addict? And if you're a chocolate addict and a coffee drinker, blessed art thou. According to the Archives of General Medicine, coffee drinkers have sex more often and enjoy it more than non-coffee drinkers. I wonder if chocolate and coffee explain why statistics indicate that Australian women are the most likely to have sex on th first date?