It's really cheesy saying goodbye to the friends that you worked with all your life @ SGV... It's really hard saying in front of them how it feels like going your own separate ways. As hard as it may be, dealing with this emotion is hard to face. Yesterday, I'm with JB, Kabo, Ami, Paul and Myleen ("the Indonesian team"). We showed them our souvenir cds which includes photos, songs, and our personal messages for them. We dined @ G-squared @ Sea Side, Roxas Blvd in celebration of MFG's 60th bday. Our batch's resignation felt accepted at that point. Knowing that our partner is quite sensitive to this kinda issue. At that point, I felt happy knowing that even the slightest, MFG still cares for us in a certain kind of way. Going forth, I believe that last night's event was the best. We walked all the way from Sea Side to Bluewave to get a cab back to SGV. I consider that as one of the best chance to talk about the future ahead of us. When we went back to SGV, the Indonesian team watched the presentation that we prepared for them and I felt certain uneasiness as they are watching our messages for them. I really can't stand the sudden jolt of emotions rushing through. So I just went aside and let them finish the whole presentation. Certainly the remaining time is really that precious since we did not waste this opportunity of talking with them and sharing our very own little stories about each other. I feel happy because once again we got to know each other a bit more intimate. At around 4:30am, they went off except Myleen and me. I don't feel like going home at that point since the sun is an hour away. I let Myleen finish cleaning up her desk and sorting things that will be brought home. The feeling is really different. A month from now, I will be doing the same thing. I fought back how I'm feeling and expressed a nonchalant emotino about the situation. I view Myleen as one of my closest friend in our batch and her departure will surely be a big thing for all of us here especially for myself. I mean how could I go on with my work when I feel a little bit hungry? Who will share with me a half-piece of bread when I'm hungry. Who will insult my devious ways and my evol pangaasar. Who will I call