Friday, September 26, 2003


I will credit my life

If you will debit my love

I'll post journal account

To the ledger of my heart.

Let's bring down the balance

And double rule the amount

Balance will be extended

To the Worksheet of our romance

Trial balance will show

We are meant for each other

Adjusting entries, my dear

We'll make our love forever!

Profit and loss statement

Tell us what will happen

If our balance will be the same

Closing entries in my heart

Will lead us to the church!

Post closing trial balance

Constructed to be our guide

Dear, accounting is finished!

Let's see our balance sheet!

Does our business profit?

Oh my goodness!!!

Twelve little kids!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

lil reunion...

Last night, I met my old pals back in college @ DLSU. I went to get sumkinda refund but I ended up having fun with them. Its really amazing that they still havent changed a bit. They're carefree laughter has always fascinated me. They refreshed me with the latest chika practically about anything. I found out what's happening at our Accountancy Dept. Its really surprising. Anyway, I wont share that coz its highly confidential. Moving on, I miss the old lifestyle. It makes my mind at ease just being with them since they're really fun to be with. As for my gullible personality or let us just say my generous personality, I ended up treating them for dinner. It is simply because I'm earning and they really deserve a treat. I relayed some updates regarding our batch. I even given them sample of the real-world-situation. I mean how's life at office. The work, compensation, and all those stuff. Well, practically I've enjoyed my night. Thanks to Kikay, Allen, Miggs, Maine, and Claire. I wish you good luck on the upcoming CPA board. Kick ass!

Monday, September 22, 2003

my nephew francis

wanna share pix of "fatzit"

that's what his ate calls him...

Thursday, September 18, 2003

on working late...

For the past coupla weeks, I've been working 'til 8:00 to 9:00 pm. It's not that big a deal but I seem to notice that I feel different if I go home on time. I know my parents are anxious about my health especially on working late but for me work has been part of my system. I wouldn't feel complete if I go home not having dinner at office or wherever. Well, I guess that's part of the new world now.

So many things I have foregone as I revolve in the new path that I am taking. I barely have time to connect to my previous life. I mean, I used to be a movie aficionado. But now that work has been set at a higher level of my priorities, I rarely go out and watch a movie in cinemas. I stay in tuned through dvd's/vcd's I borrowed from my friends. Anyway, what I am saying is that somehow I miss my old life but still I can't say that I despise what I'm currently doing. I actually enjoy it but then again, I do not want to relinquish my old lifestyle.

on higher level of maturity...

I have written an article entitled, "On Higher Level of Maturity", a month ago. I wrote it because I do not know how I will act when I enter the corporate world. It seems an illusion to me since I was not able to harness my ideals and put them into actions. Its fun being yourself but to some extent it would be improper. I reckon it would be better to have a limit on how you relate with your superiors to retain certain respect. There will always be thin lining between professionalism and camaraderie.

According to my colleagues, their mind is already set on the worst thing that could happen. They see all sufferings as part of the challenges in reaping the fruits of success. It's really nice to hear from their determination. Somehow, I see myself with them and sharing the same ideals. I recall another article I've once written that focused on the common dilemma of CPA's. They seem to work a lot but rarely have the chance to reach the sky. Maybe, they failed or give up on the way. But to be actually working and seeing a lot of achievers in the office, I was once again enamored and at the same time inspired by their courage and conviction. It reminded me that dreams could turn into reality if you just do it.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

What's on my subconscious mind??

here's what madam says...

"ronald, your subconscious mind is most preoccupied with issues around your love life

On a conscious level, you might already be aware that something is troubling you, or eating up a lot of time when it comes to your love life. But it's also possible that thoughts and feelings about your romantic life have been preoccupying your subconscious mind — leaving you with nothing more than a general sense that things just don't feel 100% right in your life though you can't quite figure out why.

You may feel your love life is unfulfilling and needs a jumpstart. You might be going through a lot of changes in your love life that you find emotionally draining. You might simply spend a lot of time thinking about romantic relationships. Or maybe you're so frustrated with your situation that you avoid the topic all together.

Whichever feelings hold true, your test results indicate that right now, your subconscious mind is working overtime to resolve the issues confronting you in this area of your life — even if you don't feel aware of it.

However, you can learn easy ways to tap into your subconscious mind and discover the source of the issues that are preoccupying you."

Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Sexual Facts & Revelations...

Sex revelation 1

The best cure for menstrual cramps is? Ladies, what's the best cure for menstrual cramps? An orgasm! The muscle that contracts during cramps is actually the same muscle being released during an orgasm. Here's another shocker! Don't be surprised if the next time you have menstrual cramps, you experience an orgasm. Menstrual cramps, yes,pain-pain-painful menstrual cramps, have been known to bring on an orgasm in very rare cases.

Sex revelation 2

Semen tastes like? Lipstick was said to be invented in the early Egyptian days for women who specialized in oral sex. They wanted their lips to look like their vulva, so as to appear more inviting to Egyptian men. Generally,the taste of a man's semen depends on his diet. And there're about 7 calories in a teaspoon of semen. Alkaline-based food, like fish and, some meat, produces a buttery,fishy taste in the semen. Garlic gives a garlicky taste while dairy products a foul taste. The foulest taste of them all is said to be produced by eating asparagus. Acidic fruits and alcohol (except processed liquors) give it a sweet tang. By the way, oral sex firms up the lower face nicely.

Sex revelation 3

I have a headache, honey? Alas, wives can no longer use headache as an excuse not to have sex with their husbands unless their husbands still don't know that sex is in fact one of the best ways to get rid of a headache. During sexual intercourse, the release of endorphins (pain relieving hormones with properties similar to morphine) acts as a pain-suppressant for the headache, relieving you of your immediate discomfort. So you feel a lot better. But in rare cases, sex can also cause headaches. If you suffer from these sex headaches frequently, give your General Practitioner a visit. Do you know what's a common side effect of using Viagra? Bingo! It's headache.

Sex revelation 4

Sexy numbers that puts you to zzz? An average lovemaking session burns off about 100 calories. It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 116 muscles to climax. The fastest speed for erotic sensations to travel from underneath the skin to the brain is timed at 251.16 km per hour. You can hope for more, but an orgasm generally lasts around 3-11seconds,and the orgasmic contractions for both men and women are on par at 0.8 seconds intervals. The bigger the orgasm, the sounder you'll sleep. But take note,having multiple orgasms, let's say 20 times or more per hour, can induce coma.

Sex revelation 5

Size matters? During foreplay, a woman's breast can increase up to as much as 25%! ...not that this happens every time of course. In response to the sexual stimulations, the increase in blood flow also often causes the veins in the breasts to show more obviously. Since we're onto the subject of size, here's a piece of good news going out to fleshy women out there. A worldwide survey of men's tastes in women revealed that more men preferred plump women to slim ones.

Sex revelation 6

Chocolate + coffee makes a nymphomaniac? If you're a chocolate addict,it sure explains a lot of things. Well, chocolate contains phenylethylamine(PEA), the very chemical that flows through the veins of someone in love.

You know what I mean, it's responsible for the feelings responding to love-the sensations of euphoria, bliss and sexual attraction. In addition, chocolate also contains phytosteral, a plant substance that may mimic

human sex hormones. (Perhaps this explains why some women crave for chocolates just before menstruation when their hormone levels dip.) Add up these 2 chemicals and you understand why chocolate is referred to as a sex food. Right, dear chocolate addict? And if you're a chocolate addict and a coffee drinker, blessed art thou. According to the Archives of General Medicine, coffee drinkers have sex more often and enjoy it more than non-coffee drinkers. I wonder if chocolate and coffee explain why statistics indicate that Australian women are the most likely to have sex on th first date?

Birthday meanings

Your Life

You are generous with people in need, sometimes to an extreme that people find you nosey. Your hidden courage and dedication often surprise others. Your imagination is extremely unique.

hmm.. that's very very true contrary to what that Oreo Theory says (i'm unimaginative)... I am very generous and very kind person! ahehehe

Your Love

Your love life is on the smooth track because it grows from friendship. Although you may not make a sweet lover but your sincerity bring happiness to your couple.

yeah yeah right! friendship, huh?! nothing happened to my love life because she thinks that friendship equated with an affectionate feeling is awkward and absurd!!!
my bertdi

sorry guys! still cant provide any picture or whatsoever coz i dont have digi cam. anyway, im planning to change my cellphone so you'll be seeing more of me once i get a hold of a new noK! Anyway, my bday was not that satisfying since it was attacked by serious misunderstanding between my brother and his wife. I feel so frustrated since they went on until i fin'lly had enough. I went to my room still mad about their behavior. Still Im thankful for them because they were able to resolve it. We went to Cloud 9 @ Antipolo afterwards... T'was really nice and relaxing place. Had fun with 'em and i guess i was happy after all. :)

my del monte count

drats! i forgot to tell you how agitated i was during this count. i waited forever for someone to fetch me @ tanyag entrance. i think that was my worst day so far since it was raining and all... then while i was counting, i noticed that the boxes are very very dusty. it looked like i went to payatas dump site instead... grrr.@!#%

Friday, September 5, 2003

birthday greeting from sgv peeps...

thanks, guys...

Wednesday, September 3, 2003

how you eat your Oreo's...

One bite at a time. You are lucky to be one of the 5.4 billion other people who eat their Oreos this very same way. Just like them, you lack imagination, but that's OK, not to worry, you're normal.


Huh! I lack imagination?! That's absurd! How can you know ones personality by looking how you eat an Oreo cookie... It's preposterous.